Hand Luggage: The Forgotten Child of Travel

People always talk about what to pack for a trip, where to go and when to go. Something we forget about is the actual flight. Sometimes we’re lucky, a couple hours in the air and before you can even get a proper nap in the pilot announces that he’s starting the descent. Other flights are long and tedious (I recently sat on a plane for 16 hours and it was harrowing, would not recommend). They seem never ending and can be extremely draining if you’re not prepared.

Personally, I’ve got a list of things I bring with me on any plane trip that help make the shorter trips more bearable and keep me sane on longer trips.

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ON ANY FLIGHT I’ll bring a laptop-sized bag with me that I can keep by my side throughout. For baggage check purposes, if I’m travelling with a laptop I’ll put it in here so I can take it out easily at the scanners. I’ll also put some easy-access items in here that I might need at any given time.

  • Socks are important because although blankets are provided on flights, feet have a tendency to get very cold so some thick socks aren’t a bad idea.
  • Earphones/Headphones depending on the person. I like to listen to music on my phone, but if you have one an iPod or .mp3 player that wouldn’t be a bad addition.
  • Easy entertainment like reading books, sudoku or crossword puzzles and magazines are great to bring along, but tend to get heavy so just keep that in mind.
  • Chewing gum is great for those shifts in cabin pressure, especially during take-off and landing, it helps to open your ears and gives you something to do as well.
  • Basic medication is important. If you have chronic medication, make sure to bring that on board. Some headache tablets would also not be misplaced, although the crew should have some available for passenger use as well. I like to bring eye drops with as sleeping on board will usually dry mine out, but that’s a personal preference.
  • Basic toiletries like lip balm and hand cream are also common items that will make your flight a little easier if you are prone to dryness. An almost empty aerosol deodorant is a must for me and wet wipes or hand sanitizer can also be good additions.

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ON LONG FLIGHTS (for me this is 8 hours or longer) I’ll bring some extra stuff with in a bigger carry on. The one I use is a hard-case cabin bag on wheels that’s bright green so I can spot it from far away. It has to stay in the overhead compartment for the flight, but stuff in here is less vital to basic comfort.

  • A warm sweater or any other thing that’ll protect you from the cold. Cabins get colder the longer you stay up there, and while a blanket will help, there’s only so much it can do.
  • Something pillow-y is almost certainly a must, whether you plan on sleeping or not. Whether that be a travel pillow or a regular pillow, it’ll help with neck/back support and may even help prevent some snoring and drooling that’s likely to happen without.
  • Snacks can be good to pass the time waiting between meals, although not much would be needed. I usually buy some water just before getting on the plane so that it’s easier to stay hydrated too.
  • A change of clothes or even just some clean underwear can make a huge difference. Flight-yuk is a thing, and changing just before the descent starts is a great way to revitalize for the last stretch at the airport. It’s not always necessary but does come in handy to keep as an option.
  • A toothbrush and toothpaste links with the same sentiment as above. You’ve had a couple (airplane) meals and have hopefully slept at least a little. Your mouth might not feel great and being able to brush your teeth can do wonders.
  • A hairbrush is not a bad idea either. Personally, I don’t brush my hair all that often, but if you’re that way inclined it’s great to have one handy.
  • Charger cables have become a recent addition for me. The last few flights I’ve been on have had charge points in the seat, so being able to charge your phone, tablet or laptop is great and makes the experience much more pleasant, knowing you don’t have to conserve phone battery but can, in fact, surf subways for most of the flight.

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ON NO FLIGHTS are you allowed to bring sharp things, (large volumes of) liquids or flammable items with as hand luggage. Think about what you put in your bag and pockets to make sure you don’t lose something that you need or cherish, rather put it in your check-in baggage. The airline website will have detailed information on their particular regulations, but a few common things to steer clear of are:

  • Pocket knives. Just don’t.
  • Nail kits which will usually have at least one pointy thing in them (emery boards are OK though).
  • Lighters. It’s flammable and will get confiscated (often).
  • Main toiletries are usually too liquid-y and should go in a big bag.

Remember to bring your passport and necessary travel documentation with you, and some cash for a beverage while you wait in lines wouldn’t be misguided either.

I hope this has proved helpful for your next travel experience, feel free to mention anything I may have missed, or if there’s something you’d like to know about, that would be cool to engage with as well 🙂

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